Late registrations for this event are closed.

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The ultimate NZ owner driver competition - no calling in the rockstar helmsman here - each boat must be driven by an owner. (yeah I know we all think we are rockstars).
Features typically very tight racing on windward leeward courses, a great atmosphere and lots of sponsors spot prizes (liquid and non) back at the host club BBYC after.
Any class registered Young 88 as long as the owner is driving
- Must be current members of the Young 88 Owners Assocation (Join here)
- Must belong to a Yachting New Zealand affiliated club
- Must have a current Young 88 Owners Assocation measurement certificate. Not compulsory if racing in div 2 on corrected time only. Contact the measurer for more information
Young 88 Association Event Champ and main contact Gary Fowler - Paddy Wagon | | 021609285 |
Bucklands Beach Yacht Club with racing to be conducted in the waters bounded by Rangitoto Island, Browns Island and Bean Rock.
Target race day is Saturday November 11th but history has taught us that during spring we need flexibility hence weather reserve day on Sunday 12th. Competitors will be advised of a change as soon as possible in week prior if forecast indicates this will be necessary for best sailing.
What else?
Fly the flag! Make sure you're proudly flying the Young 88 Battle Flag each race day! Don't have one? Check out the online shop
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