T - 2 work weeks. Volunteers have been beavering and entries herded. Looking like 20 - 24 boats, which is great for the class profile and will be best since a long time pre covid (2013 had 21 boats 2009 27). Refer to the sheet at this link to view entry status.
A few reminders for that campaign check list to help you and help the volunteer organisers:
Enter and pay if not done already
Please excuse the detail. All national events are sanctioned by YNZ and they have plenty of requirements
If you are missing info leave as TBC" and come back and update before registration
Late entry fee applies after “23:59 hrs on 4th March 2024”
Ensure your sails are measured as recorded by official measurers stamp on tack
Last date for measuring sails for the Nationals is Monday 11th March
Book online via the Young 88 Store
Any questions refer to Measurer@Young88.org.nz
Ensure you have read the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions and checked out the useful links:
If you need crew:
Put a note on the Nationals WhatsApp group. Contact organisers for an invite
Check out the 50 plus experienced sailors on MySail by seärching Auckland" (you may need to subscribe)
Refer to the ad hoc list of sailors. We're about to send the form to clubs with relevant training schemes and anywhere else appropriate
Any questions please refer to Y88 Association event organiser Gary Fowler - Paddy Wagon garyfowler@xtra.co.nz, ph 021 609 285 or any member of the Committee