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Hi all Young 88 Sailors
A quick update given that the summer season is starting and to remind members of the dates for the major Young 88 events.
Auckland Sailing
- North Sails Northern Owners Champs:

· Sunday 10 November at BBYC. The NoR, SIs and entry (Register Button) are now available on the Y88 website via this link
· Bay of Islands Sailing Week:

· North Sails South Island Champs:
o 1-2 March 25. Ref:
· Auckland Champs:

o Sunday 2 March 25 hosted by the PCC. This is the Sunday of the PIC Harbour Classic Weekend giving the fleet the opportunity to sail in the PIC Harbour Classic on the Saturday and then the Auckland championships on the Sunday. Ref:
· Nationals:
o on the 21, 22, 23 March 2025 at BBYC. The BBYC are holding a rum race on Friday the 21 March before our pre-race briefing in the evening. We are welcome to enter the rum race if we wish. Ref:
· Sprints

o have started and are hosted jointly by the Northcote Birkenhead Yacht Club and Ponsonby Cruising Club. Dates are in the Y88 sailing calendar on the website. It would be useful to know which yachts will be racing to help with coordinating any post racing events. PCC have committed to opening their bar post-race for the prize giving each race, but we need sufficient crew to turn up to make it worthwhile for them. They incur costs to do this and need to recoup this from the sales of drinks and food. Can the Westies please use the Y88 Westie Racers WhatsApp group to confirm who is racing each fortnight? Ref
· Wednesday Nights
o Three of the Auckland area clubs have started their Wednesday series. As is often the case in Spring the wind has been unstable and provided a mix of sporty and benign. Bucklands Beach, Squadron and Richmond are all being supported by the Y88 class with up to 7 on the water each night. Racing has been very enjoyable and close with a recent example of the first 3 boats within 40 seconds and only 8 seconds between 2nd & 3rd. There have been some good catch up-s on the piers and at the clubs amongst these crews and it is hoped that the fleet sizes will grow now that a certain Barcelona event has concluded.
Recent Events

Flash Gordon had a fantastic SSANZ Lewmar Triple Series Regatta. Taking out 1st overall Line Honours in the Y88 Division
. Flash won all races on line
with up to 20 Young 88s entered. Skipper Karyn Drummond also won Best Female Helm over all competitors.

The race was held on the Friday of Labour Weekend, 25 October 24. Young Mischief and Smokey showed determination and persistence to be the only boats to finish in Division 5 and they also received the award for smallest yachts to complete the race. Well done Young Mischief on the win.
The South Island Champs are on the first weekend in March 2025 and the South Island Owners Champs are at the end of March 2025.
The Wednesday Twilight series and Friday nights sprints have started. The sprints are for the 88s and Elliot 6s only with a winner take all $200 bar tab.
Social Media and Communications.
We haven’t been able to find a volunteer to help managing our social media pages, preparing regular newsletters for members and maintaining the website but have found a person who will do this work for a fee. The social media and website are our key communication channels, and it is essential that it is maintained and kept up to date. Although this will incur a cost the committee consider this essential to maintaining the long term viability of the association.
The main Y88 projects underway now include:
· Rewriting the constitution to comply with the Incorporated Societies Act
· Rewriting the class rules to comply with the World Yachting templates.
· Finding a new home in Westhaven for the yachts that berth there. It is hoped that the Young 88s can be located together on K pier.
· There is also the day to day stuff such as measuring, paying the bills, invoicing and liaising with the various yachting organisations.
· Mast Project. We’ve found one PR6 mast extrusion in Auckland and will continue to see about having a stock of extrusions so that masts can be replaced with the minimum of delay.
We’re always keen to expand the membership and the associate membership is a minor fee for crew or for non-racing 88 owners. Please feel free to promote the association. Ref:
The committee for the 24-25 season includes:
Gary Fowler - President
Wendy Muir - Secretary
Christel Townley - Treasurer
Mike Leyland - Past President
Grant Crawford - Past President
Chris Macindoe - Chief Measurer
Philip Folter - South Island Representative
Joe Hargraves - Committee Member
Lucy Jezard - Committee Member
Historical Archive
We’re lucky that Lyndsay Hayward from Rascal Tom is researching the Tornado cat history and is keeping an eye out for Y88 stuff. Below is one of the past articles. If anyone has any Y88 class history that we could include in an archive, please send it through.